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Clinical & Integrated Services

At Family Pharmacy we are not your average drug store.  In addition to traditional pharmacy services, we truly care about your wellness and your future.  Because of that, we offer many clinical services that focus on and are specifically tailored for you and your wellness.  

Medication Reconciliation & Review

Review drug interactions, drug optimization, therapy appropriateness, medication education

Full Medication Reconciliation

Everything in the MR&R PLUS nutrition education, supplement overview/evaluation/depletion, vaccine optimization

Blood Pressure Reading  & Consultation

A Pharmacist or Pharmacy student will take your blood pressure reading and provide counseling (including goals & lifestyle tips)

Hormone Restoration Consultation

A comprehensive review of your ZRT saliva or blood hormone test results, evaluation of symptoms, and formulation of personalized hormone restoration formula for provider

  • (ZRT labs completed & provider buy-in established prior to visit)

  • (RX copay cost not included)

Wellness Consultation

A consultation lasting 30-60 minutes reviewing your health & wellness goals, lifestyle & environmental factors and general diet & nutrition. Current supplementation will be discussed. You will learn tools and tips and receive a personalized foundational lineup + targeted support recommendations!

Blood Glucose Reading & Consultation

A Pharmacist or Pharmacy student will take your blood glucose (sugar) reading and provide counseling (including goals & lifestyle tips)

Diabetic Shoe Fitting

We will provide a comprehensive diabetic shoe fitting to include 2 appointments (1 for fitting and 1 for pick-up).

  • You must have a prescription for diabetic shoes from your provider. We will take care of the rest! 

  • Most of the time, no copay on Medicare and/or supplemental insurance.

*Some insurance plans not accepted

Compression Stockings Fitting & Consultation

You will be measured to find a compression level that meets your needs. Our specialist technician will then recommend and provide and/or order your custom stockings.

*AM appointments only*

Medicare Part D Open Enrollment Review

You will provide a list of your medications and a Pharmacist will review Medicare Part D options with you. Typically this service is offered during Open Enrollment from October 15 - December 7th. However, if you are turning 65 and need to pick a plan, we are here to help any time of the year!

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